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International Symposium: Urban Strategies. Art in Urban Development Areas




Art in public places is facing new challenges. Many cities are undergoing far-reaching changes that entail the transformation of sites formerly occupied by industrial, transport and military facilities into residential districts. Effective strategies and modes of operation need to be devised at the planning stage if art is to be made an integral part of such physical and social developments. This requires cooperation among residents, urban planners, landscape architects, architects and all other parties involved.

The symposium addresses for the first time issues relating to this particular area of art in public places. Following a look at the sociology of urban development areas, speakers examine successful examples of artistic engagement with such areas and investigate various forms of interdisciplinary cooperation. The presentation of kunstprojekte_riem’s own work places it in the context of comparable schemes in other European countries.



approach: Bauzentrum/Kongresshalle, Altes Messegelände


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