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The new suburb of Messestadt Riem is generating not only streets and squares, but also social groups, initiatives and communities. United by common interests, by gender, religion, origins or age, the members of these widely differing groupings gather in various indoor and outdoor spaces. Together, they constitute society in Messestadt. The year's theme or motto 2002 is 'Gesellschaftsräume' - the social spaces that are crystallising in the new residential district. kunstprojekte_riem has invited the following artists:

Mauricio Dias & Walter Riedweg (Rio de Janeiro/Basle)

Kathrin Böhm, Andreas Lang, Stefan Saffer (London/Berlin)

Karin Sander (Stuttgart) & Lützow 7 (a team of landscape architects from Berlin)

Sissel Tolaas (Oslo/Berlin),